Tuesday 9 June 2015

Sacred Relics at Kilcash

The following is a piece from Romantic Slievenamon by James Maher, who was also editor of the book:
I visited Kilcash for the third time last week — out of reverence for that hallowed spot — Canon (William) Carrigan 

The Kilcash Prayer Book  
In the 14th volume of the Gaelic Journal, our late friend, Canon (Patrick) Power, lists a 96-page MS prayer-book from the library of St. John's College, Waterford. One does not associate romance with a prayer book, but Canon Power gives this most interesting note on the scribe, Tomás Ó Conchubhair: 
On a winter's evening, seventy years since (i.e. about 1820), a poor scholar in search of a night's shelter, called at the house of a farmer named Tobin at Ballypatrick near Kilcash. The hospitality sought for was freely given and, as a heavy fall of snow occurred during the night, the wanderer was invited to stay until the harsh weather had passed. In gratitude for the kindness shown to him, the guest requested pen and paper and transcribed his volume of prayers, which he presented to his host whose son in turn gave it to its present possessors. The MS, which is excellent, has been used in preparation of the Gaelic prayer-book of the Catholic Truth Society.

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